

sexta-feira, dezembro 17

my peim


Stay where you are don't tell me why  . Just do what your   mind want . I don't want waste my time I thought my faith will be with you, but  looks like wrong so take your time  and  take your way.   When I was  alone  I see by   image I see when you where   beside  stars   and  you  were  wonderful ,I couldn't believe that  so   that's why when  someone want describe. His girl   first     describe you  because   you are    moon  ,but  where I took my mind  from my girl to  the moon  my  heart  arch   and  life  Running  my age not  stop  my  girl  will be  describe  in my dream because form that we can  take  ours  dream   to the mind it's real ,but it’s dream   and come by sleeping .


Moon like moon that's  what I want to  say , night   all day you are beautiful   I  see by my eyes  you  are beauti­ful . I loved by my heart   because of your sole  , you're like angel can tell that because it's truth. I met you before  that's was a past ,but faith comes  with past  and   making   future  how you  say  I'll  love you

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